
It’s fine, you are fine we’re okay. It hurt, I was pissed But it’s not you whom I blame. Times change, people change We are not the same. I wanted you and wanted some more But you were slowing walking away… How can I find the words to ask to you stop All I want […]


When we were in medical school, Raga, Tanu and I weren’t friends for the first few years. You could call us acquaintances, but we were never fond of each other. And then we took a little trip together. To be honest, they were not my first preference to go on that trip. It was after […]


It has been so long since I fell in love for the first time. For me, nothing is the same. I don’t have the same friends, I don’t live in the same country, I don’t think the same way I used to.  But, I still remember us like it was yesterday. The ‘us’ that doesn’t […]

Building a castle

For the longest time I was believing in something, with all conviction. Keeping my faith alive. It was real, it happened, it meant something, that’s what I would tell myself whenever others doubted me. So, I waited. Waited for the right time, when destiny will make our paths cross. When everyone will be proved wrong. […]

A Happy Marriage

My aunt and uncle (maamu and maami) complete 5 years of marriage today. And I have decided to throw them a surprise wedding, to renew their vows. I will be officiating the ceremony and thought about penning down my views on marriage and what their relationship has taught me. Congratulations maamu and maami! I am […]

A gift for myself

I was watching one of my favourite shows called “This is Us” today and sadly it is ending. Todays’s episode was the one before the series Finale and SPOILER ALERT, one of the main characters dies. The whole episode is about them navigating through their memories, and saying goodbyes, basically the episode where you can’t […]

I was excited

I have a question for you. Do you feel different when you dress up? Have you ever felt so excited that no amount of disappointment can fade away your smile?  When you wear the outfit that you searched hours for at a mall in the summers and finally have an occasion to wear it to. […]

A Radical Awakening- Dr. Shefali

What a book! Simple, you should get your hands on it right now. Don’t even read the rest of the blog. Just go for it. This book has become the non-fiction book I gift to my sisters on their birthdays and anniversaries now. It does bring about a Radical change in the reader, it did […]

To, the Batch of 2013

This is a letter to the MBBS Batch of 2013 from my University.  Dear Batch 2013,  Hey Guys! Remember me? I am Jasmine, Roll no. 54.  I guess it has been long enough, so I can understand if you don’t remember me at all. But that’s okay, ‘cause this letter is meant for you anyway. […]

Dune- my experience of the movie

“Dune”, it’s not just a movie, it’s a blissful visual experience! It begs to be seen on the biggest screen possible. I just reached home after watching the movie . It was released a while back but I could only just get the time to watch it and it’s the best decision I have made […]