It ends with us- Colleen Hoover

Read a wonderful fiction book after a long time and let me just tell you this before you read any further, ALL MEN AND WOMEN MUST READ THIS BOOK! I don’t know if I am going to be doing a great job not revealing much about this book without showing how much I loved and […]

Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson

A Murder Mystery novel, written as a homage to the genre, with nothing but passion and love. It’s a novel about a novel about novels. Confused? Don’t be. It is the finest piece of writing you will encounter.  I am obsessed with movies and shows and often quote fictional characters , even act like them […]

My take on the book “Bewilderment” by Richard Powers

Oxford dictionary defines Bewilderment as a feeling of being perplexed and confused. The title is apt for the book! I was introduced to this book by a colleague of mine who said that reading this would be challenging for me as it is not my favourite genre . That made me even more intrigued to […]