The Whale- my experience of the movie

Never have I ever been this uncomfortable while watching a movie. It obviously is worth the watch, being Oscar nominated. And here is my write-up about the movie.

Its’s a story about Charlie, played by Brendan Fraser. Charlie is an English professor, who teaches college students online, he is funny caring, loved by his friend Liz (Hong Chau). And he is morbidly obese. Physical appearances are often the first things we describe about people but I wanted to make an exception with Charlie. Yes, his behavior is unhealthy and recluse, however he is more than that. There were certain scenes where I was sobbing because I started to care about Charlie. I could relate to him pertaining to my own eating disorder and the shame that keeps one hidden from the outide world.

But, Charlie has found hope in his daughter and in her, a way to feel liberated and light despite the weight he carries. It’s a story of a caring friendship where one understands, and yet holds you accountable. That is the bond that Charlie makes with the viewrs. I wanted to hold him tight and help him, tell him he is loved. This amazing story of a father and daughter will definately touch a chord or two.

It is beautiful, vulnerable and empowering cinema.

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