The Patient- my experience of the series

Steve Carell can do anything and I will support him. This time he plays a Therapist, who helps his vulnerable clients go through difficult experiences in their lives while he himself holds some skeletons in his basement, as we all do. And one day he is abducted by one of his own patients and that is just the beginning of what unfolds in this 10 episodes series.

You will feel everything in this binge-worthy master piece- fear, discomfort, confusion, cringey, and much more. Although, some deep insights that the characters dig out take a long time to come forward. But, that is how therapy works I guess. This is any healthcare worker’s nightmare come true and ignites hope for healing which might not happen in the way we expect. The irony in the series is loud and clear and makes things interesting till the finale.

I enjoyed this thrilling, fearful and filled with great performances series and hope you do too.

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