My take on the book – Can’t hurt me by David Goggins

I often tell myself about some difficulties I am facing – It’s too hard, maybe it’s not meant to be. All my life I have been procrastinating to do things, then a friend of mine sent me a 6-minute youTube video to watch of David Goggins. I procrastinated watching that too, but then I finally watched it. Anyone who has ever seen David Goggins’s interviews will feel motivated instantly. My friend suggested that I read this book and after procrastinating for over a year, I finally read it and I can say that I am glad that I did!

To be honest, it was not an easy read for me nor did I try to finish it overnight as I do with other books. While reading, I would underline some insights that the author offers and the things that resonate with me. Every night before going to bed I would re-read those words and it’s anything but superficial!

The book, it’s written by David Goggins himself with the help of Adam Skolnick. The book begins with a note from the man himself who has concisely put his life lessons into 10 tasks and this book is literally summed up into 10 HIGHLY EFFICIENT tasks. As the author navigates through his life, we are introduced to these tasks after the end of each chapter. The whole book summarises the origin story of a hero that is David Goggins. With the very first page of the book, you know it’s a mission to read the book. A mission that will lead you to callous your mind, ditch victim’s mentality forever, and realize your true potential.

It has not been easy for David Goggins! The way in which he has expressed his candor about his childhood brought tears to my eyes. In Fact, his entire journey from being bullied in school to becoming a Navy seal when all the odds were against him is an inspiration. What resonated with me the most was the emotions behind those struggles. I have seen failure and rejection and have ended up shutting down and changing my path completely. In the past, I have failed to put myself out there again after rejection and failure but not David Goggins. His vulnerability gave me the strength and courage to go after the things that you want even if they bring you pain, especially if they bring you pain.

The type of physical and emotional abuse that David was exposed to in his own words, put him in a permanent fight or flight mode, which is not a healthy way to live and he talks about it in full detail that makes you feel his difficulties like your own. His beautiful insights come as learning lessons for the reader, for e.g when his teacher after knowing about David’s learning disabilities tells him that everyone learns in a different way and one has to figure out how one learns.

For me, this statement feels like hope and trust-building and hope is addictive. David, not so subtly, shows us the mirror and asks “ Are you standing in your own way?”. He takes accountability for his failures and calls himself out and encourages the reader to do the same and develop an obsession for learning. He calls one of the tasks ‘the accountability mirror’, literally looking in the mirror, putting up stick-on notes right in front and giving yourself the tough talk about your goals, and holding yourself responsible for achieving them every time you look in the mirror.

The 10 lessons he teaches through his book, one that stands out for me is ‘The cookie jar’, how we all have memories of the things that we are proud of, and when we find ourselves struggling in the present we can look back at those milestones that we achieved in the past, can help us get through the difficult situations in the present.

David’s 60/40 law is implemented everywhere at work or at the gym. He says that most of us give up when we’ve only given 40% of our maximum effort. When we feel like we have reached our absolute limit, we still have 60% more to give. This 60% he calls the Governor in action. It all begins and ends in the head. Such a powerful message from one of the bravest men in the world. I thought his book would be about facts and being hardcore and toxic masculinity, I was touched and surprised about the spiritual and deep thoughts that David shared and proved me wrong.
If you have watched any of Goggin’s interviews online, the book has so much more to offer.

Do not skip reading this one. It will change how you see your life and will make you brave, courageous and humble.

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