Yesterday I cooked for the first time in 3 months. I used to always set the fire alarm off in my apartment with my cooking. Now that I have settled in my new home, I know how to open the windows (I didn’t know how to for an embarrassingly long time), and that the vent is in the microwave (I was shocked to learn that). My inspiration was the leftover rice from the Indian place I ordered tandoori chicken from 2 nights ago. Surprisingly they sent me 4 boxes of complimentary boiled rice that I had no idea how to consume!
It was then that I started looking for videos online to experiment with the leftovers. The idea of fried rice seemed charming; however, I was in no mood to buy vegetables and cut them on the weekend. And then, almost like a miracle, a great idea occurred to me-Kheer. It’s a traditional Indian sweet dish that is rice pudding and the only thing I could make is milk and stevia. So, the quest began. I cooked it using almond milk because buying almond milk is a reminder to myself to eventually turn into a vegan. I also added some dates for creativity. It took me half an hour, to cut the almonds, stirring the pot and rewatching the same YouTube tutorial. And the result was in front of me.

I loved the taste and my apartment smelt like heaven. But it didn’t look that good in consistency. In better words, it didn’t look like my mom’s kheer. My birthday is coming up and this is the first time I am living by myself. A lot is happening, like me cooking Kheer for the first time amongst other things. So, maybe I am feeling a bit nostalgic and sad. The best thing that happened today though, I came home from my classes and looked at the kheer sitting in the fridge. It looked like my mom’s. The consistency was perfect! And the taste was outstanding!
I felt pride in my cooking abilities. I decided to share the kheer with my neighbor. I have met her twice and have loved her talks. We have not yet invited each other inside, but she seems lovely. I knocked on her door and gave her the kheer (with nuts warning), and saw her eyes get wet. She is fighting breast cancer and is not having the best days. She was quiet and thanked me politely. A few minutes later when I stepped out to do my laundry, I saw this.

My heart is so full today. My grandmother always told me to surround myself with kindhearted people. I am lucky to have found the kindest ones.