I would rather accept being ghosted by someone gracefully than giving a cold shoulder to someone who keeps me on a pedestal.

It’s courageous to pick up the pieces and move on carrying hope in your backpack. And is cowardly to run away from breaking bad news.

All those who have been ghosted, undermined and rejected. You have won! That’s powerful. It’s brave to put yourself out there, wearing your heart on your sleeve, risking it for one thing that’s worth it all- Love.

I have ghosted people myself and I can say without any second thoughts that it was never about them but always about me.

Sometimes I was just looking for a rebound, or someone who was a smooth talker to keep me entertained or just talking to someone and leading them on because they were a good person and would have liked to keep them as an option. Just anything to regain control and power back from my life.

Its horrible, I know!

I am guilty of being a coward and dismissive and selfish and it has nothing to do with the other person’s worth.

We are all worthy of love and respect but not every person we meet is going to offer it to us.

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