Dune- my experience of the movie

“Dune”, it’s not just a movie, it’s a blissful visual experience! It begs to be seen on the biggest screen possible.

I just reached home after watching the movie . It was released a while back but I could only just get the time to watch it and it’s the best decision I have made in 2 years! Been a couple of years since I have watched such a magnificent movie and in short, Dune is why we go to theatres! I was myself getting tired of watching movies sitting at home with multiple bathroom break pauses but Dune reminds me of why I am such a cinephile and why one loves the cinematic experience.

I have eagerly waited for four years for this movie and although I have not read the books the movie is based on because of my own personal reasons, I did watch the trailer multiple times , also the videos titled  “Watch this before you watch Dune” on YouTube. They were honestly quite helpful and made my experience much better. One might feel lost if they know nothing about what they are in for, so I encourage you to do some research. 

“Dune” is an ensemble starring Timothée Chalamet (My crush), Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac (my other crush), Josh Brolin (YES! Thanos is in the movie), Stellan Skarsgard, Dave Bautista (‘cause he is in every iconic movie), Zendaya (who just won an emmy!), Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo is there as well) and many more. Directed by the man himself Denis Villeneuve (director of Blade Runner 2049) .

Honestly we should be thanking God that Timothée Chalamet is alive and healthy at the same time we are because WHAT AN ACTOR! He is everything the movie needed. Born to play Paul Atreides and WHAT A CAST! Denis Villeneuve’s strategic move to cast such memorable actors makes the movie such a treat to watch. The scenes with Paul (Chalamet) and his father (Isaac) are my favourite and exhibit a beautiful yet vulnerable relationship and warms your heart. The Dialogues are so powerful, they stay with you. Especially the scene with the infamous dialogue about fear. That one gave me goosebumps and I am going to put it up on my wall and use it as a daily motivation. 

Music by Hans Zimmer is the backbone of the movie along with the most beautiful cinematography. I know I have watched a good movie when I can feel the love, the safety and the loyalty shared between characters and Dune does it all and more. With a run time of 2 hours and 35 minutes only, Villeneuve’s film is highly entertaining, gripping and rarely time consuming. With Stunning visuals that aid in explaining the complex world of the “Dune”.

Quite simply, Dune is our reward for patiently waiting in the wings with our Covid masks on and our Netflix accounts depleted. This movie and the entire team has struggled and fought for it to be seen in theatres for more than a year. The delay has been worth it, and as a fan my patience has paid off but don’t waste another moment and go watch it in IMAX or 3D (whichever is available) and thank me later!

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