Always a ‘Heart on my sleeve’ kinda girl

I have always been a ‘heart on my sleeve’ kinda girl. But it has been customized on my hoodie because it represents so much about me.

Customisation by @glitterlinebysahib


Shattered, broken and fragmented. 

Well life does that to you sometimes. 

All we want to do is to go back to how things were. Unfortunately, we can’t. 

All we can do is start doing the work to rebuild. 

Kintsugi is a Japanese process of repairing broken objects and turning them into something even more beautiful than the original. 

So they repair not to hide the cracks but to highlight them with GOLD. 

That GOLD symbolises healing. 

They celebrate the value of those cracks, they become a part of the story and not the end of the story. 

Repair, like healing, takes a lot of time and effort. 

But instead of throwing things away or pretending the worst never happened, give those cracks meaning and purpose by using them to enhance the experience of life as a whole and to recognise the fact that they helped you become who you are today. 

These cracks are a part of me and I choose to acknowledge them and celebrate their presence and the value they have brought to my life as a whole. By doing so I honour the healing process and the imperfections that enable me to stand out and still belong. 

Not everything ought to be fixed or made beautiful, or even romanticised. But acceptance of our scars, imperfections, cracks, is the first step towards healing. 

These scars are not reminders of brokenness but of a NEW CREATION. 

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