A Happy Marriage

My aunt and uncle (maamu and maami) complete 5 years of marriage today. And I have decided to throw them a surprise wedding, to renew their vows. I will be officiating the ceremony and thought about penning down my views on marriage and what their relationship has taught me. Congratulations maamu and maami!

I am sure people have wished you a happy married life uncountable times. But, Happiness in a marriage is not something that happens instantaneously.

It takes time .

A happy marriage must be created.

In marriage, the little things are the big things. It takes staying curious about each other and sharing fondness and admiration. Most importantly, turning toward each other, rather than turning away. 

 I have known maamu all my life, and maami since you both got married, but I have gotten to know you personally in the last few months. Both as a couple and individually and you make me wish to have an relationship like yours in my marriage. That is the way love should be, supportive and encouraging.

In these past few months, I have concluded that communication is the cornerstone of your relationship and it has not only brought you both closer together but has also brought you peace of mind. You have reminded me that marriage is more than romance and cute moments. It’s also about love for your family, your friends, work, and yourself. You choose to stay together. You choose to work through your problems. And you choose to put in the effort, every day.

 You make each other better.

And that is what a happy marriage is about. 

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